I am excited about the prospect of seeing people in Baltimore and engaging in lively conversations on how the community can address challenges in information distribution.
It’s a great time to network and check in with colleagues from across the information community, so join our meeting starting next Monday, February 10.
Join us this month for a free webinar update on NISO’s engagement with ISO TC 349. All those working to conserve tangible cultural heritage objects are welcome.
ISO standards on blockchain, semantic annotation, and geospatial API; a last call on corrections to EPUB 3.3; and W3C accessibility user requirements for collaboration tools.
The two organizations will work together to develop a standard for advancing persistent identifiers, which provide critical support for scholarly communications.
Registration is open! Celebrate with them the decades of fostering innovation in scholarly communication and the building of a collaborative community.
How have members of the NISO community been integrating artificial intelligence in their products and services? NISO I/O has assembled this information for your review.
What have speakers at NISO Plus and at other NISO educational events said about artificial intelligence and its impact on researchers, students, and faculty?
Artificial Intelligence has become part of the working environment of everyone in the NISO community. Look here for some of the research included in recent issues of NISO I/O.