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NISO's Fall Forum on the Future of Discovery to Engage Community and Set Priorities

Baltimore, MD - August 27, 2015 - The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) is pleased to announce that registration is now open for its Fall Forum on The Future of Library Resource Discovery, to take place in Baltimore, Maryland on October 5 and 6, 2015. This meeting will engage the library and vendor community in discussions that will be used to set future standardization priorities in the discovery landscape. This engaging program will build upon the ideas put forward in a white paper examining discovery services, written by library consultant Marshall Breeding, commissioned by the NISO Discovery to Delivery Topic Committee.
All members of the community are invited to participate in the meeting and the group conversations that are the main part of the program that also features speakers and panels addressing a range of technologies, methodologies, and products related to library discovery services. The Breeding white paper provides a springboard for these discussions as it examines potential methods for progress for the technology, particularly focusing on factors, which may cause barriers to effective user discovery of library materials.

"We are excited that a number of library and industry leaders who will participate in the program," states Todd Carpenter, NISO Executive Director. "Rather than being a purely educational event, we have created an agenda presentations from expert perspectives, but more importantly is an opportunity to engage in thought leadership about the needs and expectations participants have for discovery services. Our ultimate goal is for the Forum's round table discussions to generate ideas that the NISO community will take forward for potential action that will improve discovery services for all providers, publishers and library patrons."

"The Forum has been generously sponsored by EBSCO, SAGE Publications, ProQuest, Ex Libris Group, and Elsevier," adds Juliana Wood, NISO Educational Programs Manager. "We are grateful that this support from these industry leaders enables NISO to keep the registration fee low and also live stream portions of the program openly to a wider audience. It is also possible to register for the full live stream program, though we expect a much richer experience will be gained by attending in person, through interaction with the speakers and colleagues from other institutions."

Further information about the Forum, including registration options can be accessed at Early Bird rates are available through September 18.

The full program is posted on the NISO website at
