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Open Teleconference March 2023 - SSOS: Standards-Specific Ontology Standard

Open Teleconference

The Standards-Specific Ontology Standard (SSOS) provides a high-level generic ontology which describes the life cycle of consensus-based standardization projects and published standardization deliverables, i.e., standards. Developers, publishers, distributors, and users of standards, including national standards bodies, regional and international standards bodies, standards development organizations, and business, can use SSOS to better structure the life cycle information of their own standards or to better structure and automatically analyze and compare development stages of standardization activities and the life cycle of standards publications.

SSOS Working Group co-chairs Robert Wheeler (ASME) and Cord Wischhöfer (DIN) will join NISO Associate Executive Director Nettie Lagace to talk about how this work can improve the future of standards and information exchange in general. 

We anticipate that SSOS will be a newly-published ANSI/NISO standard by the time of our discussion!

Event Sessions


Robert Wheeler

Director, Publishing Technologies
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

The recording is now available:

Audio Recording, March 13, 2023, Open Teleconference, Standards-Specific Ontology Standard (SSOS)