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March 8 Open Teleconference: Standards-Specific Ontology Standard

Open Teleconference

NISO and ISO are not the only standards producers out there, and standards are not only produced for publishing and library interchange! Hundreds of standards development organizations (SDOs) worldwide produce countless standards to support crucial tools and applications in all walks of life.  As SDOs and their distributors aim to help their end users save time and effort, expose the data “locked” within standards, and create more dynamic products, support for more sharing across the standards development and publication world is needed. 

The NISO SSOS (Standards-Specific Ontology Standard) Working Group is developing a high-level standards ontology, beginning with a common framework to define define standards’ lifecycle states. This ontology will support greater interoperability of standards and standards data, which will in turn aid standards users, standards discovery, functionality, and publishing processes.

Working Group co-chairs Robert Wheeler of ASME and Cord Wischhöfer of DIN will join NISO Associate Executive Director Nettie Lagace to chat about this project, which has been underway for about six months, and its collaboration with Access Innovations in creating an ontology which will help harmonize a varied publishing ecosystem. 

Event Sessions


Robert Wheeler

Director, Publishing Technologies
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

The event recording is now available:

Audio Recording, March 8 2021 Open Teleconference, SSOS