Readings on Race (Expanded Resources)
Explore These Resources

During the summer of 2020, NISO staff assembled a brief compilation of a dozen or so recommended reading lists, primarily on the topic of #BlackLivesMatter and anti-racism initiatives. This list has since been expanded to incorporate research guides created by information professionals at NISO LSA members. If we have inadvertently overlooked a useful resource, we invite you to contact NISO so that we can maximize the value of this compilation to the broader information community.
All links shown are valid as of May 31, 2022.
Reading Lists
Most Recent Update: May 2022
Those in the information community are constantly seeking to broaden their understanding as well as building support for their communities. See below for lists of reading materials provided by a variety of publishers and libraries on these timely topics. A list of independent, black-owned bookstores appears here.
Racial Justice Reads - Odegaard Online Reading Recommendations, University of Washington
Reading for Racial Justice - Manifold, University of Minnesota Press (Link not working as of July 27; source has been contacted for update.)
Race in the United States - Library, Clackamas Community College, Oregon City, OR
Black Lives Matter Reading List - BookTable, Oak Park, IL
10 Books About Race To Read Instead Of Asking A Person Of Color To Explain Things To You - Bustle
The Charleston Syllabus - African American Intellectual History Society (OCLC Member Story)
Anti-Racist Reading List from Ibram X. Kendi - Chicago Public Library, Chicago, IL
Understanding and Dismantling Racism: A Booklist for White Readers - Charis Books & More, Decatur, GA
Anti-Racist Reading List - The Stacks, Bookshop.Org
Institutionalized Racism: A Syllabus - JSTOR Daily, New York, NY
Smithsonian Scholars Recommend Books, Films and Podcasts About Race - Smithsonian Magazine, Washington, DC
Racial Justice Reading List: Disparities in Higher Education - Harvard Business School, Boston, MA
Introduction to Racial Justice Reading List - Lost River Racial Justice, Connecticut
Schomberg Center Black Liberation Reading List - Schomberg Center for Research on Black Culture, New York Public Library, New York, NY
Library Resources (as of May 31, 2022)
Alphabetical by Institutional Name
The list below consists of institutional research guides on anti-racism and the means of building a more equitable society, created by the members of the NISO Library Standards Alliance. Each such guide . If you have a Libguide or other similar pathfinder tool intended to support research and learning about racism and the various ways in which discrimination may operate in society, please get in touch with NISO with specifics.
Anti-Bias Anti-Racism Anti-Asian/Asian American. (Arizona State University)
Diversity and Inclusion Guide (Cal Tech)
Getting Started: Anti-Racism and Black Lives Matter Resources (Claremont Colleges)
Anti-Racism: Digital Resources (Colby College)
Educate Yourself: Anti-Racism Readings (Colorado State; more available at their Inclusive Excellence site)
Resources for Combatting Anti-Black Racism (Columbia University Libraries)
Resources for Combatting Anti-Native and Indigenous Racism (Columbia University Libraries)
Resources for Combatting Anti-Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Racism (Columbia University Libraries)
Anti-Racism in Development Practices (Emory University)
Systemic Discrimination (Florida International University)
Anti-racism, #BlackLivesMatter, and Civic Action (George Mason University)
Anti-racism Toolkit (Georgetown University)
Diversity Resources (Indiana University - Bloomington)
Environmental Justice and Environmental Racism (Iowa State University)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for Business (Iowa State University)
Anti-Racism in STEM (Lehigh University)
Anti-Racism: Biographies, Memoirs and Essay Collections (Michigan State University)
Resources for Discussing Race Issues (Montana State University)
Anti-Racism Guide: Find Resources (Northeastern University)
Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Reading List (New York Public Library)
New Dance Division Libguide on Systemic Racism, Protests, and Dance (New York Public Library)
#SchomburgSyllabus: Anti-Racism (New York Public Library)
By Any Means Necessary: Documenting Black Protest (New York Public Library)
Systemic Racism, Protests, and Dance (New York Public Library)
DIY/DEI: Antiracism (North Carolina State University)
Anti-Racism Social Justice / Education and Activism: Read / Watch / Listen (Oberlin)
Anti-racism -- Resources for Research, Advocacy, & Activism (The Ohio State University Libraries)
Anti-racism and Black Lives Matter Resources (Ohio University; A special note of credit is included, acknowledging University of Colorado Boulder Libraries, University of Oregon Libraries, School of the Art Institute of Chicago John M. Flaxman Library, and The Ohio State University Libraries,)
Black Lives Matter: Policing and Incarceration (Princeton University)
Government Resources on Anti-Racism (Rice University)
Black Lives Matter (Rice University)
Slavery and Racial Injustice at Rice (Rice University)
Anti-Racism Libguide (Texas A&M)
Anti-Racism Resource Guide (Tufts)
Diversity, Equity, and, Inclusion Educational Resources: Home (Union College)
Antiracist and Social Justice Resources (University of Arizona, Daniel F. Cracchiolo Law Library)
(Audited) Anti-Racism Guide (University of Cincinnati)
Anti-Racism Resources (University of Colorado - Boulder Libraries; includes access to a spreadsheet of additional content recommended to the Library for inclusion)
Anti-Racist Resources (University of Denver; see specific, in-depth pages here and here)
Readings and Media on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (University of Massachusetts - Amherst: includes section on neurodiversity)
Racial Justice (University of Miami; note in-depth page given over to AAPI concerns)
Multicultural Center and Resources (University of North Texas; adopts national heritage approach. See also their resources for faculty of color.)
DEI and Anti-Racism Resources (University of Northern Colorado)
Anti-Racism Musts: Building an Anti-Racist Vocabulary (University of Notre Dame)
Black Voices and Anti-Racism Resources (University of Texas)
Anti-Asian Racism Reading and Resources List (University of Toronto)
Anti-Oppression: Anti-Racism (University of Wyoming; tabs direct the user to resources for a particular group or population, such as Anti-Islamomisia, anti-ablism, etc. )
Resources for Racial Justice (Utah State University)
Race, Racism and Anti-Racism (Wichita State University)