By: AGU President Robin Bell; AGU President-elect Susan Lozier; AGU past President Eric Davidson; and Chair of AGU’s Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee Lisa White
Like the rest of the world, when we watched the horrific killing of George Floyd, we were filled with a range of emotions, from anger to grief. We also knew that the injustice and discrimination that we saw would be felt beyond Minnesota.
Floyd’s death is not the first, and unfortunately likely will not be the last time that we will see such clear brutality and racism. Even though the situation most recently occurred in the U.S., we have seen it around the world. Tragically, this is only the latest example of a systematic problem of rules, laws and cultures created so that some individuals are not encouraged or supported to thrive or even survive.
AGU is committed to continuing to lead in the direction that values, upholds and honors justice and dignity for all as these are fundamental to addressing the societal challenges we face around the globe.
We demand better for our community and for the future of our society and the planet. Together, we can build a thriving, sustainable and equitable future for all.