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Industry Events

Industry Events

June Meetings

June 5 - June 8
Pittsburgh, PA

June 10 - June 13 
Open Repositories
Hamburg, Germany

June 11 - June 13
Association of University Presses
Detroit MI

June 13 - June 18
Special Libraries Association
Cleveland OH

June 20 - June 25
American Library Association Annual Meeting
Washington DC

June 23 - June 27
Perth, Australia 

July Meetings

July 13 - July 16
American Association of Law Libraries 
Washington, DC

July 15 - July 19  
2019 Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP)
Amherst, MA

July 18 - July 20
National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators (NAGARA)
St. Paul, MN

August Meetings

August 1 – 2 
International Society of Managing & Technical Editors (ISMTE) North American Conference
Durham, NC

August 24 - August 30
IFLA World Library and Information Congress
Washington, DC

August 25 - August 29  
American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Information (CINF)
San Diego, CA

September Meetings

September 9-12 
15th International Conference on Semantic Systems: Semantics 2019 - The Power of Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge
Karlsruhe, Germany

September 10-12 
Digital Book World 2019
Nashville, TN

September 11-13 
ALPSP Conference 2019
Old Windsor, UK

September 16-20
International Conference on Digital Preservation
Amsterdam, Netherlands

September 23-26
Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Annual Conference
Seoul, Korea

September 24-27
ICSTI Anual Conference 
Shanghai, China