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New and Emerging Specs & Standards (February 2025)

New and Emerging Specs & Standards (February 2025)

February 2025

ISO/TR 24332:2025 – Information and documentation — Blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) in relation to authoritative records, records systems and records management
Technical Committee: ISO/TC 46/SC 11
“This document analyses challenges, considerations, and potential benefits of blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) in relation to records management standards and related standards for systems that: create records that are required to be authoritative records; can be used as records systems; or can be used for records management, including records controls. The target audience of this document includes records managers and allied professionals, IT professionals and application developers, legal and compliance professionals, researchers, educators and other interested parties.”

ISO 24617-12:2025 – Language resource management — Semantic annotation framework (SemAF) Part 12: Quantification
Technical Committee: ISO/TC 37/SC 4 
“This document specifies a markup language called QuantML for annotating and representing semantic phenomena relating to quantification in natural language. QuantML comprises an extensible markup language (XML)-based representation format, an abstract syntax and a semantics.”

ISO 19168-1:2025 — Geographic information — Geospatial API for features Part 1: Core
Technical Committee: ISO/TC 211
This document specifies the behaviour of Web APIs that provide access to features in a dataset independently of the underlying data store. This document defines discovery and query operations. Discovery operations enable clients to interrogate the API, including the API definition and metadata about the feature collections provided by the API, to determine the capabilities of the API and retrieve information about available distributions of the dataset. Query operations enable clients to retrieve features from the underlying data store based upon simple selection criteria, defined by the client.”

Last Call for Review of Proposed Corrections to EPUB 3.3 [W3C]
“The Publishing Maintenance Working Group has proposed corrections to the W3C Recommendation of EPUB 3.3. EPUB® 3 defines a distribution and interchange format for digital publications and documents. The EPUB format provides a means of representing, packaging, and encoding structured and semantically enhanced web content — including HTML, CSS, SVG, and other resources — for distribution in a single-file container. This specification defines the authoring requirements for EPUB publications and represents the third major revision of the standard. Proposed corrections are marked in the document. Comments, including implementation experience, are welcome via GitHub through 10 March 2025.

Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements Published as W3C Group Note [W3C]
“The Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Research Questions Task Force (RQTF) published Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements as a W3C Group Note. The document covers accessibility user needs, requirements, and scenarios for collaborative content creation and development tools. The solutions identified in this document are intended to influence the evolution of future accessibility guidelines, technical specifications, or features of collaboration tools and assistive technologies. They are also relevant to software developers who contribute to developing the collaborative experience.”

December 2024 Issue of Information Technology and Libraries Now Available [ALA Core]
“The December 2024 issue of the open-access journal Information Technology and Libraries (ITAL) is now available.”