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AI and Product Innovation

AI and Product Innovation

September 2024

NOTE: In recent months, NISO I/O has included a variety of content pertaining to the rise and implementation of artificial intelligence technologies. This page is a compilation of announcements regarding NISO member products and services that are taking advantage of this new and exciting development.  If you're a member organization and have related news to share, contact Jill O'Neill, Editor-in-Chief, NISO Information Organized (I/O), at

Announcements From Our NISO Community

July 2024

CCC Releases Collective Licensing Solution for AI (Press Release, Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), July 16, 2024)

CCC, a leader in advancing copyright, accelerating knowledge, and powering innovation, today announced the availability of artificial intelligence (AI) re-use rights within its Annual Copyright Licenses (ACL), an enterprise-wide content licensing solution offering rights from millions of works to businesses that subscribe.

June 2024

EBSCO Information Services Introduces Artificial Intelligence Beta Program (Press Release, EBSCO Information Services, June 18, 2024)

EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is launching artificial intelligence (AI) beta programs to partner with customers and receive user input on the company’s AI efforts. The first beta test concluded in May 2024, and a second beta will begin in July 2024. The betas are intended to create efficiencies for researchers working within EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) and EBSCOhost®. Beta testers are exploring two features — AI Insights, which will generate a short list of insights from full-text articles, and Natural Language Search, which allows researchers to conduct search in their natural language, with user queries honored as questions in search.

May 2024

Silverchair Releases New AI Playground (Press Release, Silverchair, May 7, 2024)

Silverchair announced the release of a new AI Playground, the latest from the Silverchair AI Lab, which launched earlier this year with three active prototypes. The AI Lab was designed as a space to transparently pilot potential AI solutions, and the AI Playground is a natural extension of that mission. The AI Playground is a space for Silverchair clients to easily experiment with a variety of AI models, applications, and use cases, to help deepen their understanding of various models and refine their AI priorities. This free, user-friendly tool allows publishers to discover, stress-test, analyze, and refine their AI strategy and offerings.

March 2024

Forthcoming: Analysis of the Impact of Generative AI on Copyright (Press Release, U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress, March 26, 2024) 

More than one year ago, the U.S. Copyright Office launched a comprehensive initiative to examine the impact of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) on copyright law and policy. This blog post highlights the next steps of this ongoing study and summarizes a recent update to Congress from Register of Copyrights Shira Perlmutter.

Generative AI: Ithaka’ S+R’s Product Tracking Tool (Blog Post, Ithaka S+R, March 7, 2024)

Ithaka S+R has been closely tracking the GAI product landscape through a unique Product Tracking Tool. The Product Tracker includes a basic description of GAI tools marketed towards postsecondary faculty or student users, as well as information about the pricing model, key features, and other relevant details such as the large language model or datasets behind the tool or background on the vendor. The Product Tracker is a living document, which we update regularly as new products come to market or new information about existing products becomes available. 

Wiley Announces Pilot of AI-Powered Papermill Detection Service (Press Release, Wiley, March 13, 2024)

The Papermill Detection service is one of many ways Wiley is advancing its technology to meet the specific needs of research publishers and societies while making publishing more efficient, effective, and fit for the challenges of the future.

January 2024

Silverchair’s AI Lab Launches Prototypes (Press Release, Silverchair, January 29, 2024)

Silverchair announces the launch of the new AI Lab with several AI-powered features: a content discovery and recommendation tool that creates new ways for users to interact with content using RAG frameworks; SilverChat, which acts as a personal Silverchair Platform expert for clients; and AI-generated summaries that make research findings more accessible by generating plain-language explanations of scholarly journal articles.

Launch of Scopus AI to Help Researchers Navigate the World of Research (Press Release, Elsevier, January 16, 2024 )

Elsevier, a global leader in scientific information and data analytics, today launches Scopus AI – a generative AI product to help researchers and research institutions get fast and accurate summaries and research insights that support collaboration and societal impact.

November 2023

Library of Congress Labs Releases AI Planning Framework (Blog Post, Library of Congress, November 15, 2024)

LC Labs has been exploring how to use emerging technologies to expand the use of digital materials since our launch in 2016. We quickly saw machine learning (ML), one branch of artificial intelligence (AI), as a potential way to provide more metadata and connections between collection items and users. Experiments and research have shown the risks and benefits of using AI in libraries, archives and museums (LAMs) are both significant yet still largely hypothetical.

Bringing Generative AI to Web of Science (Blog Post, Clarivate Analytics, November 8, 2023)

Generative AI presents enormous opportunities to transform how scientific and scholarly research is carried out. Faced with the pressure to publish, a more complex research environment to navigate, and growing administrative demands, researchers need better tools available to them. To meet these challenges, Clarivate™ is developing cutting-edge AI technology that will remove roadblocks in the research and publishing process and ultimately contribute to the betterment of research. The organization previously shared plans to develop and embed market-leading generative AI, including conversational discovery, into its academic solutions, and is delighted to announce that the Web of Science™ AI Research Assistant will be available for beta testing this December.

October 2023

Springer Nature Further Expands Portfolio of AI Companies (Press Release, Springer Nature, October 25, 2023)

With technology having played an important role in improving the way trusted science is published for decades, global academic publisher Springer Nature has signed a definitive agreement which will see the Netherlands’ Slimmer AI’s Science division (S-AI) join the company.

Developing Detective Systems of Generative AI (Press Release, Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), October 18 2023)

With the public interest in generative AI technologies increasing every day, some of the most pressing issues revolve around questions such as “Is generative AI being used to create fake images and videos?” and “Are students using generative AI to write papers and cheat on exams?” For these reasons, there is growing demand for systems that can detect whether an image, audio file, or written work has been created by a human or an AI system.

Springer Nature Launches Curie, an AI-Powered Writing Assistant (Press Release, Springer Nature,
October 13, 2023 )

Springer Nature today announced a new AI-powered in-house writing assistant to support researchers, particularly those whose first language is not English, in their scientific writing.

September 2023

Clarivate Launches AI-Powered Tool, Forecast (Press Release, Clarivate Analytics, September 20, 2023)

 Clarivate Plc (NYSE:CLVT), a global leader in connecting people and organizations to intelligence they can trust to transform their world, today launched Forecast, the next generation artificial intelligence (AI)-driven solution designed to enable intellectual property (IP) professionals worldwide to confidently and efficiently optimize their IP portfolios and strategy.

Silverchair - Exploring Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence (White Paper, Silverchair, September 2023)

Whether or not you agree with the Gartner assessment that generative AI has already achieved its peak in the hype cycle, Silverchair’s latest white paper, AI in Scholarly Publishing, shares that organization’s thinking and direction as they seek to “come to grips with the profound impact of generative AI and Large Language Models.” The white paper may be downloaded (with registration) here.

June 2023

OCLC Introduces AI-Driven Recommendations (Press Release, OCLC, June 21, 2023)

OCLC is beta testing book recommendations generated by artificial intelligence (AI) in, the website that allows users to explore the collections of thousands of libraries through a single search. Searchers can now obtain AI-enabled book recommendations for print and e-books and then look for those items in libraries near them. The AI-generated book recommendations beta is now available in and WorldCat Find, the mobile app extension for

May 2023

Generative AI and Large Learning Models (Blog Post, Lorcan Dempsey, formerly of OCLC, May 24, 2023) 

The promise and challenge of Generative AI is now central. This is a summary overview of some of the major directions and issues, acknowledging that things are moving very quickly. I intend it as background to later posts about library implications and developments.

Ithaka S+R Launches Research Project on Generative AI (News Announcement, Ithaka S+R, May 2023)

Ithaka S+R is launching a two year initiative, Making AI Generative for Higher Education, partnering with 18 major universities to "assess the immediate and emerging AI applications most likely to impact teaching, learning, and research and explore the long-term needs of institutions, instructors, and scholars as they navigate this environment."

February 2023

AIP Publishing Provides Guidance on Use of AI Tools (News Announcement, AIP Publishing, February 13, 2023)

Discussion around the use of ChatGPT and other AI-based large language models has grown quickly over the past few months, and it seems every field is investigating how this technology can be used to accelerate or facilitate the way they work. Scholarly communications have not been immune to the impact of these AI tools, and the publishing industry is currently working to understand and implement policies for its fair use.