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Rachel Bruce to Deliver Opening Keynote at NISO Plus Global/Online

Rachel Bruce to Deliver Opening Keynote at NISO Plus Global/Online

August 2024

We’re delighted to announce that Rachel Bruce, Head of Open Science at UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), will deliver the opening keynote, “Open research, incentivizing change, and underpinning infrastructure: A UK Perspective,” at the  NISO Plus 2024 Global/Online conference (September 17–18). UKRI is the UK’s largest public funder of research, spanning all disciplines as well as innovation with industry. Rachel leads the policies and strategies for open research across UKRI and works with stakeholders across the UK and internationally, including government, universities, and research organizations to support the transition to open, transparent, and impactful research.

Rachel has worked in digital infrastructure and scholarly communications for over 25 years, and is currently the UK representative on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Steering Board and a member of both the DORA Steering Committee and the G7 Open Science working group. She is an information scientist and research and education policy professional, and her experience covers multiple aspects of change, including how policy, practice, and digital information and infrastructure work together.

Rachel’s interest in balancing local and global needs are well aligned with the goals of the NISO Plus Global/Online conference, which brings together speakers and participants from around the world to share unique perspectives on issues of importance to the global information community. Our closing keynote will be delivered by Ginny Barbour, open research advocate, Editor in Chief of the Medical Journal of Australia, and Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology. And the conference program features multiple sessions on open research and open research infrastructure, led by speakers from Kenya, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Brazil, and the United Arab Emirates, to name just a few of the countries represented. 

“An important goal of the NISO Plus Global/Online meeting is to feature global perspectives like Rachel’s,” said NISO’s Jason Griffey, Director of Strategic Initiatives. “We’re delighted that she will be opening the conference, and we’re excited to hear her vision for how the international information community can better support open research and more equitable access to information.”

Rachel’s talk is scheduled for 10:00 am EDT (US/Canada) on Tuesday, September 17. To register or view the conference program, visit the NISO Plus site. Thanks to our generous sponsors——Cadmore MediafigshareASMEBowkerEBSCOCHORUSSilverchairAccess Innovations, Cambridge University PressKriyadocs, and the Modern Language Association—tickets are affordable, starting at just $49 for students, and discounts are available for NISO members, groups, retirees, and participants residing in LMIC countries. We hope to see you there!