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Nature Portfolio Partners in Launch of Open Science Library

Nature Portfolio Partners in Launch of Open Science Library

February 2023

NISO Member News

New York, NY | February 17, 2023

Code Ocean, the world's first Reproducible Research Cloud, today announced that it has partnered with Nature Portfolio to launch a curated Open Science Library, containing research software published by authors in popular Nature journals, including Nature Methods, Nature Computational Science, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Machine Intelligence, and more. The software collection is available for use with a free account at

A subsidiary of Springer Nature, Nature Portfolio serves the research community by publishing its most significant discoveries — findings that advance knowledge and address some of the greatest challenges that we face as a society today. Its journals publish not only primary research but also reviews, critical comment, news, and analysis. "We're thrilled to partner with Code Ocean," said Erika Pastrana, Editorial Director, Nature Portfolio. "This unique collection of journal compute capsules will enable readers to easily re-use code associated with our publications, and will support our authors to gain more visibility, boost the usage of their work, and ensure reproducibility."

The full text of the Code Ocean press release may be found here.