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PIDApalooza Happens in January of 2021!

PIDApalooza Happens in January of 2021!

September 2020

One-of-a-Kind Festival of Persistent Identifiers

PIDapalooza is going virtual in 2021 — and NISO is officially joining in the fun! We’ll be helping to plan #PIDapalooza21 along with California Digital Library, Crossref, DataCite, and ORCID, who founded this annual PID party back in late 2015.

We all wish we could all gather in person for the fifth festival of persistent identifiers, but we’re excited to bring the world’s largest — and longest — PID party directly to your desk, your couch, your balcony — or wherever there’s a strong WiFi signal. 

PIDapalooza has never been a regular conference and this year will be no different. PIDapalooza 2021 will be a one-of-a-kind experience: a 24-hour nonstop PID party happening around the world. 

The party starts on January 27 at 14:30 UTC (see the time in your location here). Sessions will take place over the course of the following 24 hours. So, no matter your time zone, you’ll be able to join in. More details to come soon about the program, the structure, and how to participate. 


  • Mark your calendars!

  • Think about a session to propose, any keynotes or program topics to suggest, and any co-located meetings you might want to hold that week. We’ll send out a call for proposals toward the end of September!

  • Add a song to the 2021 playlist! [ADD LINK]

  • Keep on rocking the PIDs!