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NIH to Require ORCID Identifiers for Trainees and Fellows

NIH to Require ORCID Identifiers for Trainees and Fellows

September 2019

Nat'l Institutes of Health to Require ORCID Identifiers for Trainees and Fellows to Link Science Contributions over Their Careers | Data Science at NIH

— Jill ONeill (@jillmwo) August 22, 2019
In fiscal year 2020, NIH – joined by CDC and AHRQ – will begin requiring individuals supported by training, fellowship, career development, and other research education awards to have an ORCID iD linked to their personal electronic Research Administration (eRA) account (NOT-OD-19-109). In short, by leveraging ORCID investigators, fellows, and trainees can focus on moving their innovative scientific research ideas forward instead of spending time and effort updating federal user profiles with every new change, be it different federal granting agencies or new institutions.