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Miles Conrad Award and Lectures

A significant highlight of the former NFAIS Annual Conference program, now The NISO Plus Conference, is the Miles Conrad Memorial Lecture, named in honor of one of the key individuals responsible for the founding of NFAIS, G. Miles Conrad (1911-1964). Conrad had an early grasp of the potential of computer technology when applied to the creation, organization and dissemination of research information. His leadership contributions to the information community were such that, following his death in 1964, the NFAIS Board of Directors determined that an annual lecture series named in his honor would be central to the annual conference program.

Industry leaders, innovators and opinion-makers from the full breadth of the information community have been designated as the Miles Conrad Lecturer. Use the links below to view the presentations of each honored lecturer:


Bulding Openly Scholarly Infrastructure: a journey of collaboration and diplomacy
Ed Pentz, Executive Director, CrossRef


Decolonizing Standards: A Provocation
Dr. Safiya Umoja Noble, Professor of Gender Studies and African American Studies, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)


The Role of a Library in a World of Unstructured Data
Dr. Patricia Flatley Brennan, Director, National Library of Medicine


In Pursuit of Open Knowledge
Heather Joseph, Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC)


Three Questions and Five Commandments
James G. Neal, Columbia University


Marty Kahn, Chairman of Code Ocean


C. Lee Giles, Pennsylvania State University


Celebrating Serendipity and Collaboration: Looking Back to Look Forward
Judith C. Russell, Dean of University Libraries, University of Florida


Library Leadership for the Digital Age
Deanna Marcum, 
Managing Director, Ithaka S+R


**What's Changed in My 30 Years in the Information Industry — and What's Next
Tim Collins, President & CEO, EBSCO Industries, Inc.


Making Information a Business: The Voice Behind the Curtain
Marjorie M.K. Hlava,
President, Access Innovations, Inc.


Unlocking The Value of Knowledge Businesses
Robert N. Snyder, Chairman, Cambridge Information Group


Living Online: Any Time, Any Where, Any Device
Howard Ratner, Chief Technology Officer, Nature Publishing Group


Social Discovery in an Information Abundant World
Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland


The Network Reconfigures Academic Library Collections
Lorcan Dempsey, OCLC


Challenges for Great Libraries in the Age of the Digital Native
Dame Lynne Brindley, Chief Executive, The British Library


CAS in the New Information Order
Robert J. Massie, President, CAS


Health Information: Thorough, Fast, Free and Honest is Not Enough
Donald A.B. Lindberg, National Library of Medicine


Building Bridges to Information Products and Services
Dr. Carol Tenopir, University of Tennessee


What it Takes to Gain 'Mindshare' from the Perspective of Academic Librarians 
James P. McGinty, Vice Chairman, Cambridge Information Group


The Battle for Mindshare: A Battle Beyond Access and Retrieval
Dr. John J. Regazzi, Managing Director, Elsevier


Is What's Past, Prologue?
Kurt Molholm, Administrator, Defense Technical Information Center


Towards Global Information Society ????
Georg F. Schultheiss, FIZ Karlsruhe, Germany


Looking Back to Look Forward
Karen Hunter, Senior Vice President, Elsevier


How to Prosper in the Era of the Internet
Bela Hatvany, Co-Founder, SilverPlatter Information


40 Years of Database Distribution and Use: An Overview and Observation
Charles P. Bourne, Dialog


Federal Information Policy - Putting It All Together
Kent Smith, Deputy Director, National Library of Medicine


Just For You Services on the Information Highway
Toni Carbo, Dean, School of Information Sciences, Univ. of Pittsburgh


The New Information Paradigm: Threat or Opportunity (or Both)?
Roger Summit, Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Dialog Information Services


Killer Apps
Morris Goldstein, Chief Executive Officer, Information Access Company


Angst & Anticipation: How Will We Fit in the New Information Age?
Ronald Dunn, Macmillan Publishing Company

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Click here to view the full list of Miles Conrad Lecturers (1968 - Current).